This question always comes in your head, if you are running your own business. There may be different suggestions from your business partners and you might be still confusing about it. When it comes to online marketing, this can be a seriously important decision. Should you hire a Digital Marketing Agency or In-house?
So, here’re some facts which you should consider before making any decision.
(1) Professionals assembling place.
Working with Digital Marketing has many advantages. Agencies are designed to be an expert within skills, expertise, tools, and experiences. They work across multiple companies, industries and more experience in marketing knowledge. They know what is trending right now so you can totally trust while they are working as hard as you are.
(2) Predictability
With an agency at your disposal, you’ll have access to specific tools like audience insights and media delivery reports. As a result, they’ve already got people on hand who understand your company and know how to keep ball rolling.
(3) Less time-consuming, Less Risk and Less Upfront Cost
Many clients leave an agency and come back again because they hired someone internally to manage their online marketing but that person leaves for bigger and better things. That is quite time consuming a lot. And running with an agency long term (or) short term is going to cost less a bit than hiring internal but the upfront cost is less. They have strategies and deep knowledge so you don’t necessarily need to worry about bunch of failed projects before things work.
On the other hand, there are some benefits of going In-House.
(1) Better understanding of the company/product
Your own employees can have the best understanding of your company, products, and customers. Your full-time team member can immerse in your culture and values 24/7. They spend 9 hours a day focusing on one. When you have technical products, it is really hard to find an agency that fully understand what you do. But who can’t say you’ll get bored when you see same keywords daily.
(2) Fast Processing
You will have a team that’s in-tune with your business can respond faster to internal and market changes. They will fit in your company’s culture quite fast which means better and faster processing. An In-House marketing team can communicate and align any time because every team member is just a shoulder tap away. When unique ideas suddenly pop up in your thoughts, you can literally write down and start that project immediately because there is a team in your back.
(3) Lower Cost
According to Myanmar Digital Marketing Industry, in-House team will cost you significantly less than hiring an agency. But you have to consider other facilities for your employees like Employee benefits, Vacation, Yearly Bonus, More office space/utilities. These cost will literally grow each year as each employee grows their skills day by day. And a full suite of marketing tool is incredibly expensive and there are a lot of other hidden costs.
(4) Less Conflict of Interest
Since every team members are working for the same firm, it’s less likely to have internal conflicts about their own interest. They are doing one thing and sharing one thing at the same time. It can lead to more production of the tasks. But one thing is — that they have to believe the brand’s vision and goal. Otherwise, it’s hard to move ahead.