I’ve been working with freelance copywriters for some years, and here’s some wisdom I would like to share based on what I’ve learned so far. I’ve spent the past ten years of my life in digital marketing and, in the last year, exclusively dedicated to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I learned the importance of good, optimized content and its impact on any business. Here 7 Tips to hire and manage the best copywriters.
From research to discover intent, keywords, and conversions – all of these circumvent great content. Content creation might look easy to do, but it’s not.
It requires a great deal of effort for not just one person. I learned that we need to put in some time and research to gather the correct information to produce valuable and converting content. I’ve been part of several teams and hired numerous freelancers who have compiled great articles over the years.
And here’s what I’ve learned through my experience.
1. The most expensive writers are not always the best.
Many people think that expensive copywriters are the best. However, I’ve learned through trial and error and experience that this is not true.
I have paid 10$ for a 500-word blog post that still ranks well after two years.
And I have also paid 200$ for a piece of work that was rejected from the start. This is just an extreme example of what I’m trying to say.
Sometimes a newbie writer may be good but quotes low rates because they’re just starting. They are starting out in their writing career, and looking for writing opportunities.
If hired, a genuine and passionate new writer has the zeal to learn and can be easily trained to write as you want. Besides, they can and are willing to learn and be taught.
Expensive writers are not always ready to bend in their writing methodology. They have an established writing style and prefer sticking to it. However, their specialization is their strength.
I suggest hiring someone who has been writing for some time, is reasonably priced, and willing to learn.
2. A great copywriter is specialized
I have learned that great copywriters tend to specialize in a single niche. You can’t expect a writer who writes well on a subject – let’s say digital marketing – to produce a similar top-quality plumbing article.
Yes, they may produce an article, but you need specialization to come up with the best. It’s the finesse and the experience of adding the small details that only an expert knows and sees that make a piece of content great.
An experienced writer on one subject has acquired sufficient knowledge about the topic and will write all types of content using it.
Any writer can write content using tools and keyword research.
However, there’s no point hiring them if they end up writing stuffing keywords like “best cheap affordable mechanics near me” in the article. They end up using keywords in the wrong places, which do not blend well to create an outstanding article.
3. Each new copywriter requires a period of accommodation
I have to mention that new copywriters should be given some time to understand your writing perceptions and business. This is especially necessary if you have a longer and more extensive project. They need this time to understand your long-term goals, target audience, and what they have to achieve.
4. How to find the diamonds in the dirt?
All I can say is that you can find them, but after using the time-tested method of testing, testing, and testing. Try different types of writers like a newbie, someone who’s reasonably priced, and someone expensive.
Have them write a few samples and find out whose content gives the best and most results. Once you select your writer or team of writers, I recommend developing solid relationships with them. Relationships bring with them a better understanding of the team, leading to better communication and productivity. The work process will eventually end up smooth and easy to navigate.
5. How to pay: by project, hourly, or word?
There is no fixed rule about which is a better mode of hiring and payment. It all depends on what type and how much writing they will be doing. It also depends on if the writer knows additional skills than writing like SEO, if they have samples, and know how to do their keyword research.
While content writers are generally cheaper than copywriters, it’s not the norm. It all depends on your niche, the amount of writing you will need from them, and their expertise.
You have to pay more for experienced writers if you have a lot of writing to do and if your niche requires lots of research, like the medical field. Sometimes it’s even better and cheaper to pay every month, especially if you have a lot of writing to be done. A constant collaboration brings in discounts.
6. Type of copywriting- ad copy, web content, or blogs?
I suggest looking for writers who specialize in a type of writing. Content writers work at providing more information to the reader through articles and blog posts. They typically write posts based on the number of words and charge accordingly.
Though copywriters provide value, they write to reach the reader’s emotions and using more stories to resonate better with the reader. Copywriters typically don’t charge on a per word basis but set a monthly retainer or pay per project.
Copywriters include direct response copywriters and Google and Facebook ad copywriters who specialize in their fields. While any copywriter can write emails and ad copy, if you want the best results raking maximum sales and benefits for the company, I suggest hiring specialist direct response or ad copywriters.
7. Automated writing bots-the future of writing?
I do agree that the many writing bots are growing better by the day. However, if you ask me, despite the improvements, it’ll be a long time before you can use whatever they write without first doing some severe editing.
Remember, these bots are programmed and don’t write like humans. With the English language having so many homonyms and synonyms, they will likely use the wrong words in the wrong places. Besides, it’s only humans who can inject a human touch into your work. They add feelings, details, and thoughts so that the content resonates best with the reader.