7 Tips for TikTok platform

7 Tips for TikTok platform

Let’s face it. TikTok is one of the strongest social media platforms for user engagement as well as entertainment. And if you’re an SME owner or an entrepreneur, good news! Because TikTok has given you a lot of fair opportunities to compete against these mega corporations for your brand.

But how can we truly leverage TikTok’s unique features and highly engaging format to increase brand awareness, achieve specific brand objectives, and ultimately drive a higher return on investment (ROI)?

How can we analyze our content performance, measure and optimize the performance of our campaigns and increase our brand awareness across all the various short videos across TikTok users?

If you’re here looking for answers about it, here are the 7 tips to analyze, measure and increase brand awareness on TikTok platform.

Understanding Your Audience

First, let’s look at the nature of your brand and the buyers. Let’s not rush into posting contents. We need to research not only what other brands and creators are doing on TikTok but also how the audience interacts on these videos. Then, you will now get the gist of your audience’s nature.

Let’s fill in some answers to these questions.

  • What gender would you like to target for your brand?
  • What are the questions your audience is mostly asking?
  • What topic do they want to know about your product or similar products?
  • What type of audience might mostly engage with your brand?
  • What are their activities on TikTok?

Got it all figured out? Then you now understand about your audience. We can move on to the next step.

Getting Along with TikTok Trends

Now the next step is to post short videos on TikTok. Everyone thinks it’s hard but it’s really not. With CapCut software and TikTok app, you could just shoot, edit and post videos with just your smartphone. There are tons of templates on TikTok and CapCut that you can grab to create interesting short videos about your products and services.

Before you post on TikTok, you can look at Trending templates that you can use to boost engagement, too. Pretty neat feature if you ask me. You can even research trends overview, keywords insights, creative insights and top products all in one place on TikTok Creative Center.

Content Generation & Consistency

For content generation, TikTok Creative Center is one of the greatest tools you SHOULD be using if you want to create content on TikTok. It even has an AI assistant called Symphony Assistant to help you generate trending contents along with writing scripts for you.

Consistency is also key for creating content on TikTok. As TikTok is a short video platform and there are billions of videos on the algorithm, staying updated to trends and consistently posting and engaging with your audience can have a huge impact on your brand awareness. Also, don’t just log right off after posting your video. Stay on for like 30 minutes to interact with your audience for getting better engagement and stay on the TikTok algorithm.

Measure Your Performance with TikTok Analytics & Tools

TikTok’s built-in analytics dashboard is a goldmine of information. You can see trends over time, compare the performance of different videos, and even get insights into your audience demographics. Use this data to understand what works and what doesn’t resonate with your viewers.

As you post your contents on TikTok, you could monitor how your contents are performing in real time just inside the TikTok app. Just go to your profile and click on TikTok Studio. Easy! But, to get detailed analytical insights on how your audience is interacting with you, you should be consistent on TikTok like posting one video per day or three videos per week.

And if you need analytic data to include in your report, you could also check out TikTok Studio website for a detailed presentation about analytic data and you can export these data easily.

Optimizing Your Campaigns and Contents

Data-driven optimization is where the magic happens. After measuring your performance, it’s time to fine-tune your approach. Here’s how to do it.

First, identify your top-performing videos. Those are the ones with the highest views, engagements, saves and shares. Analyze what made them successful (like was it the sound, the trend, the topic or the nature of the content?) and create more of similar content.

Try A/B testing with different video lengths, captions, hashtags and posting times (according to followers activity) to see what resonates best with your audience. TikTok’s algorithm rewards videos that capture attention quickly, so test different hooks and openings.

Don’t forget about hashtags too! You could get trending hashtags from TikTok Creative Center so use that tool and apply niche hashtags relevant to your brand.

You may also like : 7 Hidden Secrets Behind Short Videos Success

Engaging with Your Community

Building a community is paramount on TikTok. You should respond to comments always and answer important questions with a video. This way you let your audience know that you value their input and are actively engaged in conversation with them. This fosters a sense of loyalty and encourages them to continue engaging with your content.

Don’t forget to hop on relevant trends and challenges to join larger conversations, potentially expose your brand to a wider audience and create a bigger fanbase than you already have. Also, use TikTok’s “Stitch” and “Duet” features to collaborate with other creators as this can lead to cross-promotion and the discovery of your brand by new followers.

Collaborating with Influencers

Partnering with TikTok influencers who align with your brand can significantly amplify your reach. When it comes to collaborating with influencers, choosing the right fit for your brand is crucial.
Take the time to research potential partners and make sure their audience aligns with your target market. Remember, authenticity is king on TikTok. Encourage influencers to create content that feels true to their own voice and style.

Trust me, viewers can spot a forced ad from a mile away! And of course, don’t forget to track your results. Use special links or discount codes so you can see exactly how much impact each influencer campaign is having on your brand awareness and bottom line.


The TikTok landscape is constantly evolving. New trends emerge daily, and the algorithm is always changing. Stay curious, experiment with new formats, and be open to adjusting your strategies based on the data and insights you gather. By remaining adaptable and staying true to your brand’s voice, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of TikTok and achieve your brand awareness goals.

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