Bucket list is a list of things or experiences to do before you die. People usually forget to think about is that out time is limited and also it is one of the best gifts we are granted. Bucket List is one that can guide us toward achieving our goal before it is too late. Life is short. So, ask yourself that “What do I want?” We feed our bodies with food, our minds with knowledge, and our hearts with love, but nothing can feed our spirits like fresh experiences and dreams. Whatever your aspirations are, there are advantages to turning them into a bucket list. Here are 7 benefits of having a bucket list.
1. Forces You to Look at What You Really Want
Many people will go through their entire lives without ever knowing what they truly desire. They’ll adapt to society’s expectations by getting married, holding down the same office job for the ensuing 20 years, purchasing a home, and having kids without giving them a chance to stop and consider what they are “supposed to do.” If they follow that road even though it is not their actual passion, life will ultimately lead them rather than they lead their lives.
Creating a bucket list compels you to examine your own desires and compare where you are to where you want to be. It could be your job, your family, your home, your car, and it could also be something completely different. Try to imagine what your future will look like, your dreams and the kinds of experiences you want to have if you have the chance to sit in front of a lovely view with a cup of coffee or whatever makes you feel complete. You develop a self-knowledge that will lead you in the right direction by asking yourself what you really want, making goals and continually reevaluating your goals.
2. Gets you Excited and Motivated
People’s nightmare is being awake in the middle of the night with a mind overflowing with things they need to get done for the following day. What if the things that keep you awake were your dream of going on vacation to see the northern lights in Yellowknife, Canada, or going to pursue your actual passions? Then, the reason you would stay up late at night and get up early in the morning would be excitement. It might be hard to be excited about the day ahead when you are stuck in the daily living routine. A bucket list gives you a reason to work an extra hour a day because the extra money will be used to fulfill your goal.
Without motivation, your dream would remain just that; motivation is the crucial drive that propels you to reach your goals. Motivation is the reason why actors receive awards, football players win trophies, and business owners become millionaires. Writing a bucket list can help you to figure out what you actually want and it will properly motivate you along the way of pursuing your goal. The source of your motivation will then be these goals.
3. Creates Focus
Making a bucket list also gives you a feeling of direction, which will help you focus on your goals rather than getting distracted by social media, Korean dramas, or Netflix. Bucket list will assist you in identifying your dream and the necessary measures to get there, while maintaining your focus on the end result.
Without a defined professional path, for instance, you can easily accept any promotion offered, changing departments along the way, and eventually finding yourself in the position of where you really don’t want to be. Without clear goals, it’s simple to get distracted, take several different directions, and eventually end up in a place you really never meant to be. However, if you have a bucket list, you may continually use it to refocus your attention.
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4. Pushes the Boundaries Your Comfort Zone
Why are so many people afraid to leave their comfort zone, yet it has been said that life just begins when you leave it? Do you know why? Ok, Let me explain. Keeping yourself in your comfort zone reduces stress & risk, and keeps your anxiety levels low. Because it’s so very comfortable within your little bubble of safety. They are daily routines like taking a shower, making meals and heading to work and they don’t arouse any anxiety. Flying across the world, having strange foods, and being unable to speak the local language would definitely cause anxiety.
Unfortunately, if you keep within these boundaries, you’ll miss out on the amazing advantages of taking a risk. It can result in personal development by expanding your perspective, offering priceless knowledge, boosting your confidence, and reducing regrets. Once you break out of your comfort zone, it might start a snowball effect where it gets easier and easier each time and your comfort zone gets greater and bigger.
5. Makes You More Interesting
Consider some of the most amazing people you have met at a dinner party or other occasion. They were usually the ones who were pursuing their passions, exploring the world, or successfully overcoming a challenge. You can participate in the conversation with your bucket list’s personal experiences from all around the world and exceptional activities.
6. Keeps You Active
Staying home every night and lying on the couch is a very boring life. So, if you want to keep yourself active, you can get off the couch and do things like hike a mountain, go kayaking in the lake, or bicycle around the park. My major form of exercise is checking things off my bucket list because there is always something exciting to do. On some days, I’ll be working on horse riding or playing tennis, while on other days, I’ll be playing golf and trying to get “hole-in-one.” When the objective is to get burn your calories, walking through city centers and landmarks or shopping could easily reach the 10,000 steps a day that is the ideal goal of many of us.
7. Creates a Legacy
Which stories would you like to share with your grandchildren? How do you want to be recalled? Which example do you want to set for the next generation—one of living with passion, pursuing your dreams, and experiencing significant adventure or one with a daily-life boring process? Everybody wants their life to matter and to be an inspiration for how amazing one can be.
You can set an example for others by using a bucket list.
Future generations will be inspired by your own ideals as you live out your passions and achieve your ambitions. Your closest loved ones, friends, and even complete strangers will recall your best qualities and be motivated to emulate you.
There are many reasons why you should have a bucket list—having one has many advantages. Make a bucket list and put everything on it that makes you laugh out loud, jump out of your skin, or motivates you to become a better version of yourself. Keep it nearby and consult it frequently as a reminder to never give up on your dreams.