Today, we are going to give you the valuable things when you make Facebook marketing that we’ve ever faced the troubles and making mistakes. In this present, Facebook user is going to grow and businesses page of advertising appear more and more at online user news feed. Here 6 Common Mistake of Marketing on Facebook.
1. Don’t Have Social Media Marketing Plan
Are you using Facebook for your social media marketing? Did you ever set up social media marketing plan? No, it was the main factor, brand fail in the market. If you didn’t have plan, you also don’t know who is your target audience. Didn’t know who are your target audience is you are going to confused what type of tactics should you use to get brand objectives.
If you don’t have above of any plan, you can’t decide on financial how much budget should use or need to buy ads on Facebook. Don’t have a social media marketing plan is a huge problem in marketing mistakes on Facebook.
2. Ignoring Negative Feedback
Thousand out of business pages are going to face negative comment and review more or less on their brands. Some of business are using Facebook just a social media marketing channel not as a customer service. Most of audience write their feedback about satisfactions such as like, unlike and good or bad also mention their friends.
Right here, most customer service staff replies to the enquires as soon as possible and apologized for customer’s unsatisfying with brands. Some are ignoring the feedback it is good or bad with any interaction, sometime they even deleted the negative comments. Both types are what they don’t know is the chances of feedback that described how to modify and prepare for the brands to increase more sales.
3. Not Using 80/20 Rules
Most of brands are lead to sales by getting much amount of market shares in their competitive field. Business are always promoted their brands how it is good and modernized than the other products. They want more profit on their product or service and said ever to buy and buy, instead of paying value that relevance to product.
They are not giving any value that how to maintain, how to prepare and effectiveness of brand by educating or share knowledge. Not using 80/20 rule and just doing brand promotional posts are frustrated to the audience. They will be going to leave your page and sometimes hid from their timelines.
4. Not Using Ads Manager
Most of small business owner said it was child play to promote their Facebook business page or post what they need to engage. They always said we don’t need any agency or consultant for awareness of their brands in the market. It is just need to boost the post that Facebook recommended.
Instead of using ads manager that is one of business management tools, just clicking the “Boost” button are wasting money and pointing in the dark at the variety of audience. Boot buttons are not powerful for the Ad campaign to set up Ad set likely geographic, demographic, and consumer behavior. And you also can’t choose the custom audience and budget you need to promote.
5. Using Wrong Brand Voice Tone
Let’s suppose, you are seller of product or service there you must know what are the your brand personality. Brand personality mean the voice of tone you has described and communicated your brand with your target audience as a real people. If you don’t know the class of consumer, you couldn’t classify what soft of brand voice would you use.
So on, you make the wrong brand voice tone to the audience by using silly or casual for the high-class as a mixed standard. The high-end consumers would like to engage the brand that it said like a real people their need, knowledge, education and inspiration as a formality. Defined the brand personality and using the right brand voice tones can prevent the mistake of one thing on Facebook marketing.
6. Posting Are Not Consistently
Posting too much got a huge amount of engagement and brand awareness but it must be consistency. Sometimes we are busy with many responsibilities so we forgot to post that our audience thirsty to read branded content you created. When we remember, we post three or five of educational, knowledgeable and inspirational content in a day as possible as we can.
Yes, in this here we didn’t schedule any timeline for the post while our audiences are mostly staying online. If we ignore and leave the page for one week or more our audiences will transfer to the other pages they loved that consistency and right time as they are using online.